27 Kasım 2012 Salı
23 Kasım 2012 Cuma
18 Kasım 2012 Pazar
Especially in recent years there is a great suffering in
Muslim world. We are opening our eyes to every new day with a persecution news
from a Muslim country. One day Palastine, one day Syria, one day Iraq, another
day Burma, another day East Turkestan...
Muslims are being martyred brutally for years and they are driven out
of their countries, children are left parentless and parents are left
childless. The mosques and all other places of worship are being destroyed,
their prayers are attempted to be prevented, our sisters are being raped. No
news is received from those who are being arrested in their homes and taken
away for no reason at all. Our dearest Muslim brothers and sisters are being
burnt alive, they are brought by mass graves and are executed.. They are
deprived of water and food and are being subjected to worst kinds of
Shortly Muslims in Palastine, Burma, Iraq, East Turkestan, Afghanistan,
the Crimea, Kirkuk, Moro, Pathani, Syria and more Muslim countries are
While all these
cruelty happens, the only solution is all Muslims to unite and become brothers
immediately . This is the urgent need of the Muslim world.
As Allah stated in
Qur’an, this riot and corruption won’t be disappear from the world as long as
Muslims unite. But as Muslims help each other and become friends, this lead to
The one who doesn’t
make an effort to unite, it means that person grants opression. Granting
opression means participating the oppression. Power comes from unity. The power
of Muslims will come from the unity by the Will of Allah.
While Allah is
stating “Hold fast to the rope of Allah all together, and do not separate...”
in Surah Al-Imran verse 103, he tells us an obligation. Allah commands Muslims
to be united. Being separate and
fragmented -especially in an environment like this- is forbidden.
Muslims who believe
in the same Allah, Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (SAV) should be brothers and
united but it is exemplary that they
conflict each other because of some reasons. The leading reason is the
denominational and cultural conflicts.
Whereas according to Islamic morals, for a Muslim, the measure must
be the fear of God, in faith, moral
perfection, sincerity towards God and piety (taqwa). Differences in the Muslim world must be
appreciated as a source of richness and they never can be a source of potential
fragmentation, division and dispersal.
Quarrel thoroughly destroys the power of Muslims who needs to unite
now. Allah draws attention to this
fact in the Qur’an.
... do not quarrel among yourselves lest you lose heart
and your momentum disappear. And be steadfast. Allah is with the steadfast.
(Surat Al-Anfal 46)
Muslims should set aside
differences between them and unite and be brothers very urgently. Otherwise neither we can solve our problems nor can we
put an end to the prosecution conducted by external forces.
17 Kasım 2012 Cumartesi
15 Kasım 2012 Perşembe
12 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi
10 Kasım 2012 Cumartesi
Didem Rahvancı
First we need a balanced amount of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Any imbalance is enough to end the life. Allah created many ways to make sure this delicate balance is never disrupted. The Sun, plants which makes photosynthesis, soil and bacterial lives in soil make this balance possible. Other factors like rain, lightning, pressure and earth’s core keep the gas rate in our atmosphere to the right conditions.
Even with a small disruption or disproportion in these facts- even in one of them, for instance if one of the bacterial which we can never see without a microscope stop functioning- the nitrogen cycle and carbon cycle which are critically important will stop instantly. This means the end of life.
Everything we see around us, including our body, is created with very delicate balances. There is harmony in the heaves and on the earth and this harmony continued to exist without any disruption for millions of years.
Allah who is the Great, the Most High creates this harmony.
Allah makes all the systems of the universe function and grow in perfect harmony, even though, we are not aware of it.
Sometimes we tend to forget simple things we take for granted without putting them into proportions even a simple every step we take, requires a certain balance from the turning speed of Earth back to our nervous system, our heart, our brain, our skeletal system and gravity.
Even if some people say when we ask them they believe in Allah and they say Allah is one and only, they believe that Allah created everything but this order then goes on its own. Whereas this is a very wrong idea. Because Allah regulates all affairs and has control over all things. Allah states in Surah Al-An’am that 'Not a leaf doth fall but with His knowledge'.
And with Him are the keys of the unseen; none knows them except Him. And He knows what is on the land and in the sea. Not a leaf falls but that He knows it. And no grain is there within the darknesses of the earth and no moist or dry [thing] but that it is [written] in a clear record./strong> (Surah Al-An’am 59)
While you are reading this article quietly in your computer, without your knowledge there is big activity all around the World all the time.
For example in every one second 16 million tons water drops to Earth and 16 million tons water evaporates to air. In every second about 100 lightning flashes on earth. In every lightning trillions of nitrogen dioxide molecules come out and with this, the %78 of nitrogen rate, which is in the atmosphere fixes.
And again in one second Sun converts 564 million tons of hydrogen to 560 million tons of helium and to 4 million tons of energy. At the end of this process it occurs a big light and radiation ball. This power is equals to the energy generated by millions of atomic bomb.
In our body there are many processes happening every single second without being aware of it.
The lungs, liver, heart, brain, pancreas, stomach, nerve, respiratory and defense systems, cells, DNAs of 7 billion people are all in Allah’s control.
Some Interesting facts you might not be aware of:
The reproductive and blood cells in our body, produce 2000 protein in one second.
In our body an average of 50 million cells die and 50 million cells form in one second.
Our heart circulates all the blood in the body in 60 seconds
Five hundred different chemical processes occurs in a single liver cell in every one second.
100 billion processes will have taken place in your eyes when you are reading this sentence.
These all process takes place all the 7 billion people on the earth in every one second.
Millions of animals live on earth and all of the bodily functions of these animals function by the grace of Allah’s will. All of their livelihoods, shelters, hunting techniques and strategies in the face of a dangerous world are under Allah's control. From mites that live on your carpet without you knowing, to a fly that lands on your hand, from an ant trying to carry the bread crumbs in your kitchen to its nest to the birds flying in the sky and a cat you see on the street, all of these animals live by the will and inspiration of Allah.
'… No date-fruit comes out of its sheath, nor does a female conceive (within her womb) nor bring forth… (Surat al Fussilat, 47)'
As Allah states in the Surat al Fussilat Allah knows the every newborn human all around the World, Allah also knows all humans date of death in their destiny. Allah draws attention to this situation in the Quran.
'Nor does anyone know what it is that he will earn on tomorrow: Nor does anyone know in what land he is to die. Verily with Allah is full knowledge and He is acquainted (with all things). (Surah al Luqman, 34)'/strong>
Allah is Most High, Most Great. Allah creates controls and regulates all the living and non-living things, all events, all systems we see or don’t see, we know or don’t know. Allah never lets His created alone, He always controls them.
To understand the power of Allah we need to know the. Because as Allah stated in the Quran “Those truly fear Allah, among His Servants, who have knowledge.”
'Seest thou not that Allah sends down rain from the sky? With it We then bring out produce of various colours. And in the mountains are tracts white and red, of various shades of colour, and black intense in hue.And so amongst men and crawling creatures and cattle, are they of various colours. Those truly fear Allah, among His Servants, who have knowledge: for Allah is Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving. (Surah al Fatır 27-28)'
Kısacası Burma, Filistin, Irak, Doğu Türkistan, Afganistan, Kırım, Kerkük, Moro, Patani, Suriye ve küçük büyük daha bir çok Müslüman ülkesi kan ağlıyor.
Bütün bunlar olurken bu zulmün son bulması için alınması gereken tek çözüm bir an önce ve hemen Müslümanların tek bir çatı altında birleşmesi, birlik ve kardeş olmasıdır. Müslüman aleminin en acil ihtiyacı şu an budur.
Allah ayetinde şöyle bildiriyor;
"... Eğer siz bunu yapmazsanız (birbirinize yardım etmez ve dost olmazsanız) yeryüzünde bir fitne ve büyük bir bozgunculuk (fesat) olur." (Enfal Suresi, 73)
Allah’ın ayetinde de bildirdiği gibi Müslümanlar birlik olmadan bu fitne ve fesat ortamı Dünyadan kalkmayacak, ancak bütün Müslümanların birbirlerine yardım etmeleri ve dost olmaları Müslümanların refaha çıkmasına vesile olacaktır.
Birlik istemeyen, birlik için çaba harcamayan, o zaman ayrılık istiyor zulme de rıza gösteriyor demektir. Zulme rıza göstermek ise zülme ortak olmaktır. Güç birlikten gelir. Müslümanların gücüde Allah’ın izniyle birlikten gelecektir.
Allah Al-i İmran Suresi 103. ayetinde “Allah'ın ipine hepiniz sımsıkı sarılın. Dağılıp ayrılmayın.” derken bize bir farzı bildiriyor. Müslümanların birlik olması farzdır. Dağılmak, ayrılmak ise özellikle böylesine bir zulüm ortamında haramdır.
Allah’ı, kitabı, Peygamberi bir olan Müslümanların, birlik olup, kardeş olmaları gerekirken bazı nedenlerden dolayı birbirleriyle çatışmaları ibret vericidir. Bu nedenlerin en başta geleni aralarındaki mezhep ve kültür çatışmalarıdır.
Oysa İslam ahlakına göre Müslümanlarda ölçü sadece iman, takva ve güzel ahlak olmalıdır, mezhep, ırk ya da kültürler değil. Ayrıca İslam dünyası içindeki farklılıklar ancak birer zenginliktir, bu farklılıklar hiçbir zaman Müslümanların çekşimelerine, çatışmalarına ve ayrılıklara neden olmamalıdır.
Çekişme, birliğe ve beraberliğe ihtiyacı olan Müslümanların gücünü iyice yok eder ki Allah bu gerçeği Kuran’da bildirir.
... çekişip birbirinize düşmeyin, çözülüp yılgınlaşırsınız, gücünüz gider. Sabredin. Şüphesiz
Allah, sabredenlerle beraberdir. (8/46)
Müslümanlar acil olarak aralarındaki ayrılıkları bir kenara bırakarak birlik olmalıdır, kardeş olmalıdır. Başka türlü ne kendi aralarındaki sorunları çözebilirler, ne de dışarıdan gelen zulme bir son verebilirler.
4 Kasım 2012 Pazar
1 Kasım 2012 Perşembe
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